
Salt River

Vanessa Page

Salt River is a personal journey that explores themes pertinent to women negotiating the midlife experience: ageing, healing, motherhood, regeneration. The poems are reflected through the lens of the Australian outback.

Small Epiphanies

David Terelinck

David Terelinck's collection of poems is full of wonderful insights about everyday situations and people.  These are the 'small epiphanies' of the title, simple moments that cause us to pause and wonder about the human condition in all its beauty and pathos.

Seams of Repair

Stephanie Green

The poems in this collection take on the metaphor of Kintsukuroi. This ceramic art of ‘golden mending’ is a starting point to consider how the repaired fractures of human experience might leave us stronger, or still fragile, yet even more precious than before.

Ghosts Struggle to Swim

Jane Frank

“Poets are always unreliable narrators, of their own actions and inactions, most of all. Jane understands this. Her poems have an artist’s sensibility – they are pictures hung in a gallery, each of them depicting a different style, a different image, a different form – each bringing to the page different baggage and drawing from a different legacy.” – Damen O’Brien, launch speech, Rochford Street Review

Botanical Skin

Vanessa Page

Botanical Skin brings together poems that span relationships, universal and domestic themes, travel, landscape, wildflowers, and profound moments of existence.

Critical State

B.R. Dionysius

Critical State is a collection of poetry about Queensland, articulating concerns about habitat loss and the extinction of local species. The anthology addresses history, loss, discovery and the ever diminishing diversity of our environment with intensity, metaphor, clear-eyed detail and rhythmic language.

Wide River

Jane Frank

“There is a seamless quality underpinning her poetry, making the reading of it an effortless and thoroughly enjoyable experience.”

– Denise O’Hagan, Rochford Street Review

Green Dance

Jena Woodhouse

“Woodhouse finds a place among such poets as Judith Wright and Mary Oliver, renowned for immortalising earth, nature and species in their poems.”

– Angela Costi, Rochford Street Review

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